Start Listening To: Glüme

We spoke with Glüme who shared details on her upcoming debut album The Internet.


For those unfamiliar with your music, can you tell us who you are, where you’re from, and a little bit about the music that you make? 

I’m Glüme and I’m from Los Angeles. I make black lodge music for the blue youth online.

What is your songwriting process like? 

I start with the story when it wants to be told I just sit down and focus on it. Then I move to the musical elements.

How was your new album produced? 

Johnny Jewel, Huntington and myself and the strings were arranged by Ross Wariner.

You seem to be an avid tap dancer; do you feel there is a stigma around tap? 

I mean people generally call me Shirley Temple or Ginger Rogers when that comes up.

Can you describe some of the themes behind The Internet?

After a while of being sick with Prinzmetal I felt my digital self had become more alive than my real self and I explored the benefits and the losses that came with that. 

Who are some of your biggest influences? 

Marilyn Monroe, Lana Turner, Judy Garland

What are some challenges you’ve faced in the industry?

I’ve been in entertainment since I was six so...too young, too old, too thin, not enough. The hours are bad the food is good. It can really be harmful if someone is vulnerable and misdirected. I’m young but I feel like I’ve worked as long as any old guy.

Which is your favourite track from the LP and why? 

They feel like my children I can’t choose just one.


What do you hate right now?


What do you love right now? 


Do you have any plans to perform live in 2021? 

If we are allowed to play shows I'll be there.

Is there any new music from 2021 that you’re enjoying? 

Number One Popstar, new Lana, all the artists on my label Italians Do It Better are really bringing the heat this year.

What else can we expect from you in 2021? Any more releases planned?

Nothing I can talk about yet but perhaps!

Do you have any final life lessons or tips for our readers? 

Life can be hard and sad and make you question yourself but it’s yours and it belongs to you. Say the thing you’re scared to say, do thing you want to do. Life is too delicious not eat every last bite.


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